Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Job Hunting

I seem to have an interesting mix of skills which is suited to something very specific. The key to finding a job is finding your niche. This is pronounced neesh, not nitch like some will tell you. You dont say ball-et for ballet do you? Though we do say llama and not "yama" like it should be pronounced. But I digress. I am trying to find my niche in the job market. I have some strange and difficult to quantify skills such as being able to do sudoku very quickly.

This hardly seems like a marketable skill, but I think companies look for this sort of thing in order to find diamonds in the rough who can be molded and taught to use these skills for something great. I also believe that I can concisely get my point across in text, but maybe not in person. There are many others, some less marketable than others I am sure. I also do this thing where I correct grammar (despite of course using poor grammar on occasion). News reporters do it all the time and I would be a good person to look through the teleprompter and pick out mistakes. Or maybe write the teleprompter...prompts.

So, I am looking for jobs currently and I have gotten one interview so far. I think it went well; and I really love the company so far. It's great when you read on their website all sorts of ways the company helps the employees and provides services to them. Their products are great too and they are expanding even in this shaky economy. I have no really commented on the economic situation of the US in this blog yet, but perhaps I will later.

Perhaps you are wondering how I am doing in WoW? I am doing just peachy. I have been working on my mage and rogue recently (levelling the rogue to 80) mostly with their pvp gearing. PvP I think has the potential to be the best part of WoW, but it is striken by one unchangeable phenomenon: the different scales possible. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc etc. Some classes are better at 1v1 than others. Some are amazing in 5v5 arena, but aweful in 2v2. So poor Blizzard is in the unfortunate position of having to make 10 classes feel powerful, but not too powerful in EVERY aspect of the game. Not only pvp, but pve as well. Its quite daunting and it bothers me greatly when people QQ on the forums about how X class sucks against Y and why is Z better than all of them? And blizzard makes $10m / month, WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THAT MONEY?!

Its so ignorant and I will not even explain why it is incorrect to fault Blizzard for this. Suffice it to say, I enjoy WoW quite a bit. I enjoy al lthe things I can do and all the accomplishments within the game that can be gotten. It gives me a sense of direction and goals, which makes me work (and play) a lot better. We have now circled back to my job qualifications: I am very goal oriented. If I am not shooting for something, I find it difficult to concentrate or enjoy doing work or play just for the purpose of doing it. Whether this is a strength of a weakness, I am not sure. I believe that if I can figure out a way to develop my own goals within an otherwise goalless activity that I can create an environment where I work efficiently and effectively.

That's all for now, but since I am only working part-time, hopefully I will be able to post more of my thoughts on here. Wish me luck on this job I interviewed for!

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