Id like to start off by offering my apologies to those who read this (all 3 of you). I have not been posting as much as I would like because frankly there are a lot of other things I like to do also. I am now instating a rule for myself: write on the blog once per week with a weekly update of what is going on in my life. The purpose of such an endeavor is two-fold. First: it will allow me to have a literary/creative outlet which I think is very important in a young person's life. Second: I just like posting and it is easier for me to do so on a schedule.
So this past week was not all that exciting for me. I worked on the weekend, but it was pretty slow at the old pizza shop. I've been attending class regularly and probably with more frequency than previous quarters. Not to say I have slacked off in the past, but anyway...I had a midterm today which I think went pretty well. It was in my Psychology of Extraordinary beliefs class, which I enjoy thoroughly. My 3 year anniversary with Jackie is coming up on Thursday. I am very excited, though it being a Thursday kind of limits the celebratory activity list. My birthday was yesterday also! I came upon the tender age of 22. Double deuce some might say. I would not use that term. I have no spoken about World of Warcraft yet, so I suppose I should touch on my feats and accomplishments in that regard. In the past week I think I have accrued nearly 200 achievement pts (which is quite a big deal for me), most of which came yesterday when I ran a few heroics as well as did 10-man Sartharian with 2 drakes up. We tried for +3, but it was getting a little tedius and we just wanted to get some loot and get out of there. On our 25-man raids we also got Sartharian+2 drakes which is in my opinion, decidedly more difficult. One person standing in pie = wipe on 10 man (unless its very near the death of the last drake), but not so in 25 man (unless its a healer of course). My guild has a new website also: which our guild leader has graciously created. Its very very nice and I, for one, am very happy with it. I think that's all I have to say for this week. I have some mailing of graduation announcements to attend to so I am going to cut this off for now. Thanks for reading! I almost forgot, I got turned down for a HR job at Nestle today, which was disheartening. I think my calling is in the research field however, so maybe its a blessing in disguise. Only time will tell!