Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cataclysm Talent Changes

On the same day Blizzard jumped the shark (I think I am using that phrase correctly, but who the hell knows) on the RealID business, they also announced a much better idea. Cutting the fat from all the talent trees and bringing them back to pre-Burning Crusade style with 31 point talents being the deepest one can spec.

Personally I love this idea. Love love love.  The trees were just starting to get so big and honestly, most of the choices were not choices at all.  So it just felt like blah blah of course I'm getting that +10% healing and -cast time on the spells I use.  The idea to pick a specialty and be locked into it is intriguing.  Some people think this is strange and not a good idea.

I disagree.  I think it makes the talents more exciting.  Especially a lower levels when it is pretty boring and it seems like you have one button to spam.  Makes new players feel more powerful right away which is great. Unfortunately the only info we have is that the talents are changing, but not how exactly.  We dont have any inkling on what they will look like besides the size.  So I will post another big article once they post.

Until then, sleep those sweet dreams of things to come.

PS: Of course they shut down the RealID forum changes. We all saw that coming. the almost 50k post thread made it pretty clear none wanted this change.