Thursday, January 29, 2009

My post topics

Its been brought to my attention that my blog posts seem to be almost exlusively of the WoW variety. This is troubling to me because it implies that WoW is a central part of my life. I do not reject this hypothesis, but I do wish to point out that I spend a lot more time doing other things (sleeping, eating, school, family guy, the office, looking for jobs) besides engrossing myself in the World of Warcraft. Though I cannot deny that WoW is certainly a fairly big part of my life, I think most would agree that everyone's hobbies are regarded as such. And in regard to my falling off the top 10 dps list: I will rise again (as has been mentioned on a previous post). Do not delute yourselves into thinking I am losing my skills. You have not begun to see. Seacrest out.

edit: I see my post has delved back into the WoW realm despite my contesting that all my posts are not about that...well played sir, or ma'am, well played.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The smallest thing to go to anyone's head

No that isnt a sexual joke. I recently found a site that lists the top DPS for every class for each boss encounter in the game and found myself #10 IN THE WORLD on one fight in Naxxramas. WHO IS THE SCRUB NOW FOOLS

edit: and just like that! I fall down. I shall rise again...BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER

5000 Achievement Points

I did it! I hit a big milestone for myself in WoW today by getting my total achievement points up to 5000. Its quite a feat, but I have a long way to go if Im to be counted in with the great achievement getters of the world. I dinged doing the Lunar Festival Achievements, which was actually a lotta fun. Sort of tedius, like exploring, but leisurely.

KY Court system

I am a pretty law-abiding citizen, but today I had to deal with what happens when you break the law. I was speeding down in Kentucky about a month ago and got pulled over. Apparently the officer signaled me to pull to the right side of the road, but I pulled over to the left because it seemed quicker/safer and who cares right? Wrong, this landed me a charge of "Disobeying a traffic officer's signal" and a mandatory court date. Sweet, I live 3 and a half hours from there, but i get to drive down on a weekday to go to court. Oh well itll be a nice view into the justice system right? Wrong again. It took 4 minutes. I stood in line and they told me the charge would be dropped and that I just had to pay for the speeding fine ($163 for going 13 over). Thanks for robbing me of 8 hours of my life, KY. Could we not have done this over the phone? Perhaps this is just the way things are done and it's like this to discourage breaking the law. Or maybe its just a very poorly designed system.

My first Blog

Hi everyone, this is my first foray into blogging and Im not sure how to work this so ill just say that this blog is going to chronicle my escapades at college, in the World of Warcraft and otherwise. Its basically just for my own use, but it should be at least mildly entertaining to those who are in my inner circles.