Saturday, September 26, 2009

New job, new lots of stuff

Of course it's been a long time since I posted! Do I look like the type of person who does not keep his word? Apparently I do because I tell myself I am going to post more and I never do. It just slips my mind, forgive me. I am still working at the Zoo and enjoying it (I have read 3 books in the past 2 weeks at work alone). I was offered a job at a major credit card company in their call center which I happily accepted. It pays 50% more than the Zoo and has benefits etc, plus after a year there are lots of opportunities for career advancement. I am really excited to start working (This coming Tuesday my training for 11 weeks begins) at a real job. I still feel like I have never actually had a real job (no offense to people in food industry) until now.

My little kitten Bella just got spayed so she is being weird, but hopefully she will get back to her normal rambunctious self soon enough. I recently server transferred (and faction transferred) my rogue and priest to play with some college friends. My old server was getting pretty stale and lots of my buds had already left so I figured it was time to move on and get back in touch with some friends. I am enjoying it so far. Horde-side is not the rosy picture most alliance players picture it to be. There are still idiots on both teams obviously.

I guess you might be asking yourself what books I read recently? If that piqued your curiosity I will let you in on it. I read "The Shack," "Native Tongue," and "Redwall" (still working on this one actually). Three very different novels, but nonetheless I enjoyed all of them. They are all very worth your time.