Thursday, July 1, 2010

Future Updates

I have decided to change the blog up a bit.  Typically I have mixed blog posts on three topics:  General interest, like the most recent post, updates about every day activity in my life, and World of Warcraft musings.

What I realized thanks to an article I read is that while all three of these are interesting to me personally, there is most likely not anyone else who is interested in all three outside of me, myself and I.  Also I have Facebook for life updates and general knowledge musings right?

So effective immediately, I will only be posting about WoW-related topics.  More specifically, I will be posting about Priest pve and pvp strategies for the current raid tier.  I will include talents, healer rotations/priorities, gearing and strategies for encounters.

Not only will this give more focus to the blog, but hopefully it will end up being better because honing in on one topic leads to better articles I believe.  The first post I think I will do an overview of priest healing (I will touch on DPS a bit but I am not really going to worry so much about that now) gear, specs and future changes.

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